Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 103

volume Number : 17
number In Volume : 9
issue Number : 103

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17، number In Volume 9، ، issue Number 103

The enchantment of new images in the Ghazals of Hossein Zahamtekesh

Farrin Gharabaghi , Barat Mohammadi (Author in Charge), Seifuddin Abbrin


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Art and innovation have unbreakable linkage, and the driving engine of art is innovation, and desire for innovation keeps art alive. Meanwhile, the art of poetry is not an exception to this rule, and poets have always tried to bring new texts; Because the new and sweet it has more effect . One of the dimensions in innovation is in poetic imagery. Repetitive and stereotyped images that do not represent a new look have less emotional impact and affect , and when the image is linked with the characteristic of being new, it is effective. New sonnet(Ghazal) and contemporary Ghazal poets have put innovation in the image as the face of their efforts and have joined efforts in this context. Zahmatkesh is one of the contemporary innovative poets; One of the most important aspects of his innovation is innovation in poetic imagery. His poetic images is innovative and are the result of his individual and personal view and because they are effective in the audience"s feelings and emotions.

METHODOLOGY: In this research with the analytical-descriptive method to his innovation in poetic images related to the aesthetics of the beloved, the historical knowledge of the poet and using it in creating new images, emerging and modern urban phenomena and innovation in the image based on it, Imaginary thinness and narrow-mindness are discussed in the method of Indian style poets and innovation in poetic images, religious beliefs and ideas and the creation of new images related to it have been discussed.

FINDINGS: The present study shows the innovation in the poetic imagery of Zahmatkesh. Using different origins such as historical knowledge, elements of contemporary times and modern urban phenomena, religious and ritual elements, as well as relying on personal vision and empiricism and thin imagination and narrow thinking like Indian style is the dominant factors in imagery innovation of Zahmatkesh.

CONCLUSION: The results of the present research prove the use of various origins in imagery innovation.

Hossein Zahamtekesh , poetic imagery , innovation

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